The Father’s Love For Jesus

* Jesus the Son of Man

Father Loves You

The Father Loves Jesus the Son of God and Jesus the Son of Man

Jesus is one Person with two natures – A divine nature and a human nature.

This website comes from the viewpoint that when referring to Jesus the Son of God it is referring to His divine nature, and when referring to Jesus the Son of Man* to His human nature. And also from the point of view that Jesus lived and acted exclusively as the Son of Man during His Incarnation.

The Father’s Love For the Divine Nature of Jesus the Son of God

As a member of the Trinity, Jesus the Son of God shares in the Intra-Trinitarian love between God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This Intra-Trinitarian kind of love is beyond human experience and understanding.

However, it might closely be personified on Earth by a mother’s unconditional love for her child; i.e., the ‘bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh’ kind of love. Genesis 2:23

And, it may be that women can understand this kind of unconditional love for others better than men.

The Father’s Love For the Human Nature of Jesus the Son of Man

During His Incarnation, the Father’s love for Jesus the Son of Man was conditional. It is this websites point of view that the love God the Father had for Jesus the Son of Man during this period was essentially different from the love the Father has for Jesus the Son of God. That is, as long as Jesus the Son Man continued to obey the Mosaic Law and obey the Father in all things during His Incarnation, then the Father continued to love Jesus the Son of Man wholly and without reservation.

Once Jesus completed the work the Father gave him to accomplish, including His obedience to death on the Cross, then the Father’s love for Jesus the Son of Man was finalized, and by Grace this love has been extended unconditionally to all of humanity.

It may be that men can understand this kind of performance-based conditional love better than women.

This point of view might best be understood by first considering the kind of love God the Father had for all humanity prior to the death of Christ on the Cross. This includes His love for Jesus the Son of Man, who in His human nature was like every other person.

From the Mosaic Law it can be seen that the kind of love the Father had for humanity was performance-based, i.e., it was based on the individual performing up to the standard of the Mosaic Law*, and Jesus the Son of Man was no exception. His human nature had to be tested and proven worthy of continuing to receive the Father’s conditional love.

Jesus the Son of Man led a perfect, sinless life in His Incarnation, in full and complete obedience to the Mosaic Law and to the Father’s every command, including obedience to death on a cross. It is for this perfection of every thought, word, and deed that the Father’s love for Jesus the Son of Man was finalized.

Therefore, all the blessings and promises of God that result from obedience to God were granted by Grace to all humanity through the finished work of Jesus the Son of Man.

It is this performance-based love which the Father has for Jesus the Son of Man that is to be freely received and experienced by people, and then freely expressed to others. Matthew 10:8

Therefore, it is no longer necessary or even possible for a person to perform up to God’s standards in order to be loved by God. People can only receive the love of the Father for Jesus the Son of Man* as an unconditional gift from the Father for what Jesus the Son of Man has already accomplished.


Last updated: November 18, 2020 at 14:21 pm ET USA